ZimSculpt Music Series: Patchouli & Terra Guitarra
Join us for a fun-filled evening of music, art and nature at the Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens!
Enjoy live music by Patchouli & Terra Guitarra, along with full after-hours access to The Gardens, and our ZimSculpt Exhibition, featuring over 100 Shona hand carved sculptures from Zimbabwe!
Get the opportunity to have some fun while meeting the artists!
Featuring the music of Patchouli & Terra Guitarra:
the voice of the landscape, vibrating its unique melodies from the mountains, prairies, lakes, rivers, cities forests and woods of the world. Ages old the earth reveals it’s messages in it’s songs.
The world music-nuevo flamenco-new age project Terra Guitarra, the landscape of guitar, began in 2008.
The duo’s debut CD Terra Guitarra burst onto the world music scene with it’s inspired original guitar compositions singing of the sweeping natural settings of the planet, dancing in moonlit alleyways, and floating on great rivers’ epic journeys. Terra Guitarra is the duo of master guitarist Bruce Hecksel and vocalist and rhythm guitarist Julie Patchouli. Their soulful fusion of blazing Spanish and world guitar rhythms, sparkling melodies and spine tingling harmonies are infused with a visible onstage chemistry.
Tickets can be purchased online or at the ticket booth on the day of the event
Tickets include two drink vouchers